Coal Industry on EPA Nominee: ‘Thank you sir, may I have another?’

Check out the battered-spouse-syndrome statement from the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE).

Keeping in mind that EPA administrator nominee Gina McCarthy has done everything she could to wreck the coal industry, ACCCE said:

“We congratulate Assistant Administrator Gina McCarthy on her nomination to be the next EPA Administrator, and we hope for a more constructive working relationship with the EPA under her leadership,” said Mike Duncan. “We hope that if she is confirmed she can put EPA on a more balanced path that recognizes America’s continued need for coal, and the importance of clean coal technology.”

One thought on “Coal Industry on EPA Nominee: ‘Thank you sir, may I have another?’”

  1. Is anyone going to stop this appointment? No one stopped Hagel after he clearly demonstrated incompetence during confirmation hearings. McCarthy won’t demonstrate incompetence. So, the best thing coal can do is congratulate her and hope that she won’t be as radical as she probably will.

    At the public hearings for all the air permits I’ve been involved with, my comments are “We thtnk he agency for its hard work in arriving at this permit” no matter what was said during negotiations for the permit.

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