Climategate 3.0: WWF asks for ‘gaters help against skeptical questions at Alaska media event; ‘Anything to fend off the naysayers’

Note that the World Wildlife Fund also tries to co-sponsor a meeting with the Dutch department of public health (RIVM) on climate change.

The e-mail is below.


date: Wed, 05 Mar 1997 17:31:47 -0500
from: Adam Markham
subject: Arctic warming
I did get your paper the other day, and promise to look at it in the next
few. Have you heard that we are trying to put together a meeting on
rates of change with RIVM? Rik and Rob Swart came up with the idea,
and we will co-sponsor if it comes off. It would be great to get you
A couple of questions meanwhile though. I have to help Prince Philip give
an Anchorage press conference on climate change in the Arctic on
March 18. I then have to go and do some briefing of Dutch press at
Resolute Bay (74N) in what ued to be the North West Territories, but I
think is now Nunavut. Both are very interesting opportunities that I’m quite
excited about. However, I expect pretty hostile questions at the
Anchorage briefing, becaue the press is conservative there, its too damn
cold anyway, and 85% of the state’s economy is oil.
Therefore, do you have any recent, useful updates on warming signals
in the Arctic, trends, ice melt or other juicy tidbits? Anything to fend off
the naysayers. We hope to have Gunter Weller (director of the Centre
for global chnage at the University of Alaska there also, but they depend
on oil money for their research).
Cheers, Adam

2 thoughts on “Climategate 3.0: WWF asks for ‘gaters help against skeptical questions at Alaska media event; ‘Anything to fend off the naysayers’”

  1. If you lift a rock or board that is covering a scorpion or venomuous snake, it will lash out at you with everything it has. It does not want to be uncovered. Greens are just like that.

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