Climategate 3.0: UEA got $143K from World Wildlife Fund to prepare COP-5 propaganda brochures

That is, if WWF ever got around to paying them.

The e-mail is below.


Dear Mike,
I’m still trying to sort out the discrepancies in the contract that was sent
from the US.
What was the exact amount that was agreed between Adam and you?
And who is responsible for the translation, publication and distribution of
the brochure – you or WWF?
I’m really sorry for this bungled situation – it is as frustrationg for me as it
is for you!
date: Fri Jul 16 16:11:30 1999
from: Mike Hulme
subject: Re: contract
to: Ute Collier
The total cost was US $142,942, which was divided into two parts, Phase 1
($34,839) and Phase 2 ($107,653). For simplicity, these two Phases should run
We take responsibility for translation, publication and distribution and these
costs are built-in.
Hope that helps.
Each day delay makes it harder for me to manage the project!

One thought on “Climategate 3.0: UEA got $143K from World Wildlife Fund to prepare COP-5 propaganda brochures”

  1. When I hear WWF I recall my director at the ecosystems center at MBL. George Woodwell. He lied to congress on DDT and he is one of the movers and shakers of this AGW nonsense. Its good the the MBL fired him.

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