Climategate 3.0: Tom Wigley sweats ocean temps may confirm the urban heat island effect

“Land warming since 1980 has been twice the ocean warming…”

The e-mail is below.


from: Tom Wigley
subject: LAND vs OCEAN
to: Phil Jones

We probably need to say more about this. Land warming since
1980 has been twice the ocean warming — and skeptics might
claim that this proves that urban warming is real and important.
See attached note.

2 thoughts on “Climategate 3.0: Tom Wigley sweats ocean temps may confirm the urban heat island effect”

  1. It is a little bit a mystery. A contribution may be that the percantage of land mass is higher at high latidues and assuming that high latitude warming is faster. However, warming and cooling before 1980 has always happened with identical land and ocean trends, so errors in any of the temperature sets are more plausible.

  2. Since CO2 is spread out throughout the atmosphere, and does not merely sit over land masses, all parts of the earth should warm at the same rate (it is called “global warming” isn’t it?)
    So if the land areas are heating twice as fast as the oceans, something else is causing that besides CO2.
    The AGW people don’t want you to think things through. Just listen to Al Gore and friends.

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