Climategate 3.0: Phil Jones tries and fails to have skeptic Dick Lindzen’s comments removed from draft IPCC chapter

“I didn’t succeed in getting some of Dick Lindzen’s comments removed.”

The e-mail is below.


from: Phil Jones

subject: Re: [Fwd: Progress Report] + additional thought
to: Kevin Trenberth
Thanks for the reviews I didn’t have. The WG1 AR4 as a whole was my
reading of
the email from Martin Manning about planning for LA2 in Beijing (his email
of March 29).
This was in the penultimate paragraph of a long email. We are down for a
(20 minutes) on Day 3 at LA2. I’ve not looked at the other chapters, except
for a glance
at Chs 6 and 9.
I see I missed a bit in the this email. WG1 will send compiled comments
from their
reviewers by April 11, if all reviewers get their comments in by April 8.
I also meant to add in the email earlier today that the NRC review
process appeared
to go OK from my perspective. I had only to review Ch 5 and the Exec
Summary. Although
the latter will require some work, Ch 5 came off lightly compared to
Chapters 1 and 6,
Back to our ZOD, reducing the size is difficult, but it is something we
will have to
come to grips with.
and also in a lesser sense to 2-4. The authors have to deal with Fu et al
of saying it is controversial. I didn’t succeed in getting some of Dick
Lindzen’s comments
removed. Chapter 6 was a complete mess.
It did seem odd that our review will get published – why, when the final
report will
quite different.

One thought on “Climategate 3.0: Phil Jones tries and fails to have skeptic Dick Lindzen’s comments removed from draft IPCC chapter”

  1. this is too much fun. thanks steve for the entertainment and enlightenment.

    the climategate 3.0 stuff is a scream, as my saintly, but not sainted irish mother would say.

    John Dale Dunn MD JD Consultant Emergency Services/Peer Review Civilian Faculty, Emergency Medicine Residency Carl R. Darnall Army Med Center Fort Hood, Texas Medical Officer, Sheriff Bobby Grubbs Brown County, Texas 325 784 6697 (h) 642 5073 (c)

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