Climategate 3.0: No consensus among the consensus

Tom Wigley dissents from Kevin Trenberth’s observation of no warming since 1998.

The e-mails are below.


>>>> On Oct 14, 2009, at 3:01 AM, Tom Wigley wrote:
>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>> At the risk of overload, here are some notes of mine on the
>>>>> recent
>>>>> lack of warming. I look at this in two ways. The first is to
>>>>> look at
>>>>> the difference between the observed and expected anthropogenic
>>>>> trend relative to the pdf for unforced variability. The second
>>>>> is to remove ENSO, volcanoes and TSI variations from the
>>>>> observed data.
>>>>> Both methods show that what we are seeing is not unusual. The
>>>>> second
>>>>> method leaves a significant warming over the past decade.
>>>>> These sums complement Kevin’s energy work.
>>>>> Kevin says … “The fact is that we can’t account for the lack
>>>>> of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t”. I
>>>>> do not
>>>>> agree with this.
>>>>> Tom.
>>>>> +++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>>> Kevin Trenberth wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all
>>>>>> Well I have my own article on where the heck is global
>>>>>> warming? We are asking that here in Boulder where we have
>>>>>> broken records the past two days for the coldest days on
>>>>>> record. We had 4 inches of snow. The high the last 2 days
>>>>>> was below 30F and the normal is 69F, and it smashed the
>>>>>> previous records for these days by 10F. The low was about 18F
>>>>>> and also a record low, well below the previous record low.
>>>>>> This is January weather (see the Rockies baseball playoff game
>>>>>> was canceled on saturday and then played last night in below
>>>>>> freezing weather).
>>>>>> Trenberth, K. E., 2009: An imperative for climate change
>>>>>> planning: tracking Earth’s global energy. /Current Opinion in
>>>>>> Environmental Sustainability/, *1*, 19-27,
>>>>>> doi:10.1016/j.cosust.2009.06.001. [PDF]

4 thoughts on “Climategate 3.0: No consensus among the consensus”

  1. Im just sticking with what i can obsoive. and in one lifetime to see the arctic summer ice almost disappear is unprecedented, and tells me where in the heck did that much heat come from to disappear that much ice, glaciers around the world, and what they keep losing in the antarctic.

    Ice can’t melt without heat can it? There seems to be an energy imbalance on planet earth, and the only thing i can think of in my lifetime which has the potential to add that much energy and heat into the system is when after i was born in WWII, we began a much more aggressive campaign of putting 10,000 trillion tons of co2, along with a host of other greenhouse gasses like SO2, CH4 and hence more water vapor,

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