Climategate 3.0: Greenpeace drafts self-serving letter-to-the-editor of The Times for Climategater signature

What a nice service Greenpeace provides — for itself.

The e-mail is below.


date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 18:21:04 +0100
from: “Wallace, Helen”
subject: Letter
to: “‘'” , “‘'”

Dear Tony and Michael,
The final draft of the letter to the Times is attached, incorperating
your changes (I hope I have combined them in a way that you are both
happy with).
Brian Hoskins and Adrian Jenkins have both decided that they prefer not
to sign the letter, although agreeing with its message. I haven’t been
able to contact anyone else in the short time available, so I leave it
up to you to decide whether you are still both happy to go ahead.
If so, Mike could you please reply to both Tony and myself and let us
know, and Tony could you then send it as agreed?
Thank you both very much for your time and trouble.
Best regards,
Dr Helen Wallace
Senior Scientist
Greenpeace UK
Greenpeace, Canonbury Villas, London, N1 2PN
Tel: +44-171-865-8241
Fax: +44-171-865-8202
Letters Editor
The Times
Fax: 0171-782-5046
21 June 1997
Dear Sir,
Without wishing to comment on the dispute between BP and Greenpeace
(Editorial, 20 August), we would like to remind your readers of the
seriousness of the potential threat caused by our continued use of
fossil fuels. This damage occurs both locally – as evidenced by the
deterioration of air quality in UK cities in the past few weeks – and
also globally.
As scientists studying the impacts of climate change, we consider the
global threat from greenhouse gases to be serious and to need
addressing. Adverse effects on human populations are likely to result
from changes in weather patterns, shifts in storm frequencies, rises in
sea level and the spread of certain pests and infectious diseases. A
wide variety of ecosystems throughout the world will be at increasing
We have little idea whether or not we can manage such adverse effects
and therefore the prudent course of action is to limit the cause of the
Major shifts in investment away from fossil fuels will therefore be
required to make the necessary reductions in emissions of carbon dioxide
to the atmosphere. Large companies like British Petroleum seem to us to
be well placed to take an active part in investing in these changes.
There is no doubt the need for precautionary, preventative action is
Yours sincerely,
Prof. A.J. McMichael
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
University of London
Keppel Street
Dr. M. Hulme
Climatic Research Unit
University of East Anglia
date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 18:40:09 +0000
reply-to: “t.mcmichael”
subject: Forwarded: Letter
I suggest just several minor wording changes – indicated in capital
letters. OK?
Mike, if I fax the master copy to The Times, do you think you need
to send a fax or email verifying your co-signatory status?
Tony McM
Letters Editor
The Times
Fax: 0171-782-5046
21 June 1997
Dear Sir,
Without wishing to comment on the dispute between BP and Greenpeace
(Editorial, 20 August), we would like to remind your readers of the
seriousness of the potential threat caused by our continued use of
fossil fuels. This damage occurs both locally – as evidenced by the
deterioration of air quality in UK cities in the past few weeks – and
also globally.
As scientists studying the impacts of climate change, we consider the
POTENTIAL global threat from greenhouse gas ACCUMULATION to
be serious [and to need addressing – DELETE PHRASE]. Adverse
effects on human populations are likely to result
from changes in weather patterns, shifts in storm frequencies, rises in
sea level and the spread of certain pests and infectious diseases. A
wide variety of ecosystems throughout the world will be at increasing
We have little idea whether or not HUMAN SOCIETIES can COPE WITH such
adverse effects. HENCE, the prudent course of action is to limit the cause
of the threat.
Major shifts in investment away from fossil fuels will therefore be
required to make the necessary reductions in emissions of carbon dioxide
to the atmosphere. Large companies like British Petroleum seem to us to
be well placed to take an active part in investing in these changes.
There is no doubt THAT precautionary preventive action is
Yours sincerely,
Prof. A.J. McMichael
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
University of London
Keppel Street
Dr. M. Hulme
Climatic Research Unit
University of East Anglia

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