Al Gore to speak at Stanford on April 23; Honoring warmist who said ‘no such thing as a safe level’ of CO2

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From Green Hell Blog (September 28, 2009):

In a ClimateWire article today touting the alarmist goal of 350 parts per million for atmospheric CO2, Stanford University climate hysteric Stephen Schneider made the following comment about “haggling over emissions targets”:

“We’re betting the planet. There’s no such thing as a safe level. There’s a level of very risky, versus mildly risky.

There’s no safe level of CO2? What is he talking about? If there’s no CO2, then there are no people or plants.

Maybe he’s just referring to the inverse correlation between atmospheric CO2 and sanity among alarmists.

4 thoughts on “Al Gore to speak at Stanford on April 23; Honoring warmist who said ‘no such thing as a safe level’ of CO2”

  1. When you say really stupid things, the PhD attached to your name doesn’t make them less stupid but rather the opposite. I have assumed that institutions that grant doctorates have higher standards than I’ve been seeing exhibited by a number of climate “scientists.” Maybe not.

  2. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again –

    If you want a really stupid comment ask a person with a PhD in climate science a provacative question.

    Climate scientists with PhDs say the most stupid things you’ll ever hear and they don’t even see the depth of their stupidity.

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