Climategate 3.0: Wigley accuses IPCC and lead authors of ‘dishonest presentations of model results’; Accuses Mann of deception; Mann admits

Mann: “Its (sic) hard to imagine what sort of comparison wouldn’t be deceptive.” Continue reading Climategate 3.0: Wigley accuses IPCC and lead authors of ‘dishonest presentations of model results’; Accuses Mann of deception; Mann admits

Climategate 3.0: Mann, Schneider outraged that BBC reports no warming since 1998; Mann suggests MetOffice police the Beeb

This e-mail exchange that elicited Kevin Trenberth’s famous “The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t.” Continue reading Climategate 3.0: Mann, Schneider outraged that BBC reports no warming since 1998; Mann suggests MetOffice police the Beeb

Climategate 3.0: Phil Jones, much to his chagrin, plays bridge with mostly skeptics

Phil Jones complains to Michael mann and Gavin Schmidt that his bridge partners read the skeptical Telegraph, not the warmest-friendly Observer. Continue reading Climategate 3.0: Phil Jones, much to his chagrin, plays bridge with mostly skeptics

Climategate 3.0: Briffa secures agreement from NYTimes Revkin to police Wall Street Journal editorial writer

Imagine your very own New York Times reporter that you could unleash at will. Continue reading Climategate 3.0: Briffa secures agreement from NYTimes Revkin to police Wall Street Journal editorial writer

Climategate 3.0: Mann tries intimidating Wall Street Journal editorial writer with tough talk and Media Matters

In response to a polite media inquiry from Wall Street journal editorial writer Anne Jolis, Mann rages, in part, “Misrepresenting the work of scientists is a serious offense” — and then cc’s his response to Media Matters, Joe Romm and other allies in the warmest-media industrial complex. Continue reading Climategate 3.0: Mann tries intimidating Wall Street Journal editorial writer with tough talk and Media Matters

Climategate 3.0: Mike Mann urges Phil Jones to get George Monbiot to attack Christopher Booker

“Might want to see if George Monbiot wants to *review* the [Booker’s new] book. hat would be both amusing and satisfying.” Continue reading Climategate 3.0: Mike Mann urges Phil Jones to get George Monbiot to attack Christopher Booker

Climategate 3.0: Mann warns Jones to be careful sharing info with NYTimes Revkin: ‘Not as predictable as we’d like’

“As we all know, this isn’t about truth at all, its about plausibly deniable accusations.” Continue reading Climategate 3.0: Mann warns Jones to be careful sharing info with NYTimes Revkin: ‘Not as predictable as we’d like’