WaPo: Natural gas leaks come under scrutiny, raise questions on climate impact

“… the rate of increasing atmospheric methane concentrations has accelerated tenfold since 2007.” Continue reading WaPo: Natural gas leaks come under scrutiny, raise questions on climate impact

Let’s starve! Kids forced to go hungry for hours during Michelle Obama media event

“A very courageous fifth teacher in the Chicago Public Schools has written a scathing critique of the almost comical misery she and her students endured when they participated in a massive February 28 event kicking off Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! Active Schools campaign.” Continue reading Let’s starve! Kids forced to go hungry for hours during Michelle Obama media event

Guardian Admits: Weather events ‘not a good guide to climatic changes at a global level’

“… but it is the only way that most of us will ever experience the climate.” Really? How about just plain ol’ everyday seasonal days? Is that not “experiencing” the climate? Continue reading Guardian Admits: Weather events ‘not a good guide to climatic changes at a global level’

National Journal: Can Climate-Change Denier Ken Cuccinelli Win a Swing State?

I wonder why the NatJour headline wasn’t something like, “Can Global Crossing-pirate and Attempted-2004-Election-Fixer Terry McAuliffe Win a Swing State?” Continue reading National Journal: Can Climate-Change Denier Ken Cuccinelli Win a Swing State?