The EPA’s Secret Email Accounts

“The Washington Free Beacon is one of the few media outlets plowing through the 12,000 emails the Justice Department has released related to Jackson’s illegal conduct. We suspect that more revelations will be forthcoming. However, the Beacon has so far revealed that the EPA is about as contemptuous of American industry as you always expected.”

Read more at the Weekly Standard.

2 thoughts on “The EPA’s Secret Email Accounts”

  1. If folks like the Washington Free Beacon don’t start finding some really bad stuff in the Lisa Jackson ‘secret’ emails pretty soon, it’s gonna look like they’re drilling an over-hyped dry hole. It’s entirely possible that the most damning secret emails are being 100% redacted, i.e., ‘disappeared’ without a trace, but if they do a thorough job, you’ll never know they were ever there. Which means that in the end someone may have to come up with a different story about why Jackson resigned — it wouldn’t involve emails after all.

    I’m sure folks at CEI are fretting this one, I sure am.

  2. If GW Bush’s EPA administrator had used a false e-mail account, and if the name on it had matched a major web source for BDSM porn, what kind of a scandal and joke fodder would that be?

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