Tesla’s gets last laugh in the NYTimes test drive debacle?

Tesla is happy that the NYTimes public editor has taken John Broder to the woodshed.

“Yesterday, The New York Times reversed its opinion on the review of our Model S and no longer believes that it was an accurate account of what happened. After investigating the facts surrounding the test drive, the Public Editor agreed that John Broder had ‘problems with precision and judgment,’ ‘took casual and imprecise notes’ and made ‘few conclusions that are unassailable’.”

4 thoughts on “Tesla’s gets last laugh in the NYTimes test drive debacle?”

  1. Actually personally I think Tesla came out worse for complaining because now everybody knows how bad the car is. You have to drive it at 55mph and not turn on the heat in Winter, and then the car dies early even with the battery charged because the battery was too cold. You need to call tech support to find charging stations in private folks houses.

    Really is that practical at all. I guess the only good use of electric cars is if you have a short commute in a temperate climate

  2. Tesla railroaded the reporter. Turns out they were pretty loose on the facts themselves when they “released the computer log” of the car in question. The reporter was on the phone nearly constantly with Tesla reps – who told him to stop charging after an hour (an hour should get 62 miles, but for some reason, probably the cold only 31 were charged)

    After reading the account of the mild drive, – even from Tesla’s perspective, it is a pretty piss poor car to have.

  3. Until they make one that can tow a horse trailer across country and not have to stop every 20 miles to recharge it, I will keep my F350, thank you very much.

  4. I don’t know why anyone needs to fudge the Tesla tests. For that price level I’d expect a car to do considerably more than the Tesla does at it’s best. I’d want it to get me out of bed, dress me, take me wherever I wanted to go and then gently rouse me with a cup of coffee and breakfast.

    It’s a show car. Designed for people who’s other car is a Lear Jet, a helicopter and a chauffeur driven Limo.

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