Study: One in 20 cases of pre-eclampsia may be linked to ozone

Dubious — if true, pre-eclampsia would have occurred during all pregnancies in, say, 1960s Los Angeles when ozone levels could easily reach 500 ppb (vs. today’s standard of 70 ppb).

Media release below.


One in 20 cases of pre-eclampsia may be linked to air pollutant

Ozone exposure during first 3 months of pregnancy may be key

One in every 20 cases of the serious condition of pregnancy, pre-eclampsia, may be linked to increased levels of the air pollutant ozone during the first three months, suggests a large study published in the online journal BMJ Open.

Mothers with asthma may be more vulnerable, the findings indicate.

Pre-eclampsia is characterised by raised blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine during pregnancy. It can cause serious complications, if left untreated.

The authors base their findings on almost 121,000 singleton births in Greater Stockholm, Sweden, between 1998 and 2006; national data on the prevalence of asthma among the children’s mothers; and levels of the air pollutants ozone and vehicle exhaust (nitrogen oxide) in the Stockholm area.

There’s a growing body of evidence pointing to a link between air pollution and premature birth, say the authors, while pregnant women with asthma are more likely to have pregnancy complications, including underweight babies and pre-eclampsia.

In all, 4.4% of the pregnancies resulted in a premature birth and the prevalence of pre-eclampsia was 2.7%.

There was no association between exposure to levels of vehicle exhaust and complications of pregnancy, nor were any associations found for any air pollutants and babies that were underweight at birth.

But there did seem to be a link between exposure to ozone levels during the first three months of pregnancy and the risk of premature birth (delivery before 37 weeks) and pre-eclampsia, after adjusting for factors likely to influence the results and seasonal variations in air pollutants, although not spatial variations in exposure.

Each rose by 4% for every 10 ug/m3 rise in ambient ozone during this period, the analysis indicated.

Mothers with asthma were 25% more likely to have a child born prematurely and 10% more likely to have pre-eclampsia than mums without this condition.

Asthma is an inflammatory condition and ozone may therefore have worsened respiratory symptoms and systemic inflammation, so accounting for the larger increase in the risk of premature birth among the mums with asthma, suggest the authors.

But after taking account of the mother’s age, previous births, educational attainment, ethnicity, asthma, season and year of conception, the authors calculated that one in every 20 (5%) cases of pre-eclampsia were linked to ozone levels during early pregnancy.


2 thoughts on “Study: One in 20 cases of pre-eclampsia may be linked to ozone”

  1. News without the spin: 19 in 20 cases of pre-eclampsia are NOT linked to ozone!

    They used to say that ulcers were caused by stress, poor diet, lack of sleep, and whatever, because various ‘studies’ seemed to show ‘links’ or ‘correlation’ at low but seemingly significant levels. The entire field of medical research relies heavily upon such ‘risk factor’ studies. Then a couple of physicians in Oz made a serendipitous observation that 100% of gastric ulcer sufferers responded immediately and completely to a course of antibiotics that eliminated the Gram-negative bacterium Helicobacter pylorii from their digestive systems. Aside from the immediate message that ulcers were curable(!), the idea arose that medicine had been pursuing the wrong paradigm of the cause of the illness from the outset.
    When medicine is correct about the cause(s) of a disease, the disease become easily manageable. When they are wrong about the cause, the research can only turn up phantoms like this with a low-order relationship to the disease.
    When they really figure out the cause of pre-eclampsia, it will become 100% treatable, possibly curable, and maybe even preventable.
    My personal #1 suspect would be endotoxins (known to be powerful irritants and inflammatory agents) produced by Gram negative bacteria in the digestive system. The inflammation these endotoxins produce can aggravate arthritis and hypertension directly. When specific organs become affected other complications (currently recognized as ‘independent’ diseases) can arise.

  2. Pre-eclampsia was unheard of at Downton Abby until they got that infernal horseless carriage.

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