Settled science: New study ‘shows that atmospheric gases can help clouds form in a way no one had ever considered’

Scientific American reports today, “a new study shows that atmospheric gases can help clouds form in a way no one had ever considered” and, in perhaps the understatement of the year, that “Although scientists may have a better handle on clouds, even they don’t know it all.”

Read more at The Hockey Schtick.

5 thoughts on “Settled science: New study ‘shows that atmospheric gases can help clouds form in a way no one had ever considered’”

  1. It is amazing to what lengths these folks will go to say it couldn’t be the Sun. Man made carbon gases can do just about anything according to this hypothesis. Guess they haven’t heard about the Solar magnetic field-particle-cloud thingy. What does Judith Lean think about this?

  2. It has always amazed me that these idiots who developed their so-called models never factored in the effect of clouds, the effect of the sun on climate change. Of course, if one wants a pre-determined outcome, ignore the factors that might alter the conclusion.

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