7 thoughts on “Salt Subtly Trimmed from Many Foods Amid Campaign”

  1. elselskin: It make them feel like they are “heroes” to “save people from a great danger”. It’s also known as Munchausen Syndrome.

  2. Salt enhances flavour . That is why it is used in cooking and baking. Also in a normal healthy person, excess salt is just eleimanted from the body. No problem. The only problem is the salt jihadists. Some people are not happy unless they feel threatened I guess. Rather dim.

  3. “This is doing the right thing for the wrong reasons.”

    Really? Why is less salt the right thing?

    “Food companies over-use salt because they’re too lazy to combine spices creatively and salt is the lowest common flavor denominator.”

    Really? I bet they flavor their food to what their customers want.

  4. This is doing the right thing for the wrong reasons. Food companies over-use salt because they’re too lazy to combine spices creatively and salt is the lowest common flavor denominator. I personally prefer low-salt food because I’d rather taste the food. Unless it’s crappy food, in which case I’d rather not eat it at all. Does this make me a gourmand?

  5. Ignore the salt scares, have a good blood panel every year that measures your electrolytes along with other necessary tests. If your sodium content is too low, increase your salt. If it’s too high, cut back. Be sure to check other elements particularly potassium and magnesium. Doctors often tend to ignore magnesium, but it is vital too. If a particular electrolyte is too low (especially sodium or potassium) you are at a greater risk of fibrilation and stroke.

  6. I have recently added taking a half-teaspoon of salt before I go to the gym. It has cured my cramps. Which I didn’t used to get. This article makes me suspect that the reduction in salt content in my food has created this need.

  7. “Sodium increases the risk of high blood pressure, a major cause of heart disease and stroke.”

    The risk of high blood pressure? I must have been dead a long time ago, if that was anywhere near true. When I have high blood pressure, I eat salt. When I have low pressure, I eat salt. I eat as much salt as I bloody like and there is no change in pressure either way.

    Fortunately, I can add salt to everything they sell and it tastes just right, except for a few things such as peas that really need to be cooked with salt. Low-salt peas have foul taste, and adding salt later does not fix them.

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