Sally Jewell: Obama’s radical green, job-killing nominee for Interior Dept.

She’s helped lock up public lands, halted oil and gas leases, killed jobs, funded radical green groups and donated to Obama.

“Far from a creative choice, Ms. Jewell is just the newest addition to Mr. Obama’s second-term team of loyal ideologues. It is in fact Ms. Jewell’s (relatively unknown) history on the environmental fringe, and her liberal policy prescriptions, that surely made this an easy Obama call. The president knows he can rely on Ms. Jewell to do for the federal government exactly what she’s done at an activist level: Lock up land, target industries, kill traditional jobs.”

Read more at the Wall Street Journal (subscription required).

2 thoughts on “Sally Jewell: Obama’s radical green, job-killing nominee for Interior Dept.”

  1. “Among the organizations working hardest to destroy the livelihood of Mr. Lunny and his 30 workers was the National Parks Conservation Association. Ms. Jewell is vice-chairman of its board.”

    I betcha Mizz Jewell has killed more jobs than Skeeter Obama has killed clay pigeons.

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