Senators Question EPA Air Regulation Rule Over Human Testing

Sens. Vitter and Sessions write: “Maybe the biggest reason to slow down [EPA’s new PM2.5] rule is that the EPA is talking out of both sides of their mouth. Continue reading Senators Question EPA Air Regulation Rule Over Human Testing

Claim: Soft-drink addiction caused Australia man, 25, to lose teeth, get blood poisoning

Uh… did anyone ask whether he brushed his teeth? Continue reading Claim: Soft-drink addiction caused Australia man, 25, to lose teeth, get blood poisoning

UAH Global Temperature Update for January, 2013: +0.51 deg. C

“The most common cause of such warm spikes (when there is no El Nino to blame) is a temporary increase in convective heat transfer from the ocean to the atmosphere.” Continue reading UAH Global Temperature Update for January, 2013: +0.51 deg. C

House Committee to consider whether EPA endangerment finding ‘scientifically well grounded’

Possibly some EPA budget cuts, too? Continue reading House Committee to consider whether EPA endangerment finding ‘scientifically well grounded’

EPA Science Is the ‘New Homeopathy,’ Doctors State

“Either the EPA is lying to Congress about the lethality of PM2.5, or it is engaged in illegal and unethical human experiments, subjecting vulnerable patients to a substance it believes could kill them instantly,” states Jane Orient, M.D., president of Physicians for Civil Defense. Continue reading EPA Science Is the ‘New Homeopathy,’ Doctors State