U.S. could fall short of 2020 climate goal, new study says, but target remains in reach

Just give Obama a few more years so he can completely wreck our economy. Continue reading U.S. could fall short of 2020 climate goal, new study says, but target remains in reach

Google accused of racism after black names are 25% more likely to bring up adverts for criminal records checks

Doubtful. No one from Google has ever been seen at a tea party rally. 🙂 Continue reading Google accused of racism after black names are 25% more likely to bring up adverts for criminal records checks

‘Killer’ rains blamed on global warming

“Recent extreme rains may have been intensified by the rising global average temperature, according to a recent study, which examined data from more than 8,000 weather stations around the planet.” Continue reading ‘Killer’ rains blamed on global warming

State of the Union Could Signal Effort to Curb Greenhouse Gases From Existing Coal-Powered Facilities

Part 2 of Obama’s war against coal is about to commence. Continue reading State of the Union Could Signal Effort to Curb Greenhouse Gases From Existing Coal-Powered Facilities

IMF Chief: ‘Unless we take action on climate change, future generations will be roasted, toasted, fried and grilled’

As Ramses said in The Ten Commandments: “Let him rave on, that men will know him mad.” Continue reading IMF Chief: ‘Unless we take action on climate change, future generations will be roasted, toasted, fried and grilled’