European carbon price ‘inching ever closer to zero’

“”Dramatic”, “enduring”, “meltdown” – the words used by leading analyst firm Thomson Reuters Point Carbon to describe the continued slump in global carbon prices could not be starker.” Continue reading European carbon price ‘inching ever closer to zero’

Polar bears ‘may need to be fed by humans to survive’ — or we need to kill them

“As a last resort, the paper mentions ‘intentional population reduction’ — the killing of starving bears.” Continue reading Polar bears ‘may need to be fed by humans to survive’ — or we need to kill them

Christie calls climate change ‘esoteric,’ says he’s too busy to consider impacts after Sandy

“It’s not a main concern for me,” Christie said when asked about climate change and Sandy during a news conference Tuesday.” Continue reading Christie calls climate change ‘esoteric,’ says he’s too busy to consider impacts after Sandy

Gore supports college divestment of fossil fuel companies — but what about at his own investment firm?

As reported by divestment campaigner-in-chief Bill McKibben: Continue reading Gore supports college divestment of fossil fuel companies — but what about at his own investment firm?