Bob Tisdale shows how ‘Forecast the Facts” Brad Johnson (and now Dr. Heidi Cullen) are fecklessly factless about ocean warming and the blizzard

“Global warming alarmists are predictable. If they see elevated sea surface temperature anomalies on a map anywhere close to a weather event, they immediately claim manmade global warming contributed, or will contribute, to the weather.” Continue reading Bob Tisdale shows how ‘Forecast the Facts” Brad Johnson (and now Dr. Heidi Cullen) are fecklessly factless about ocean warming and the blizzard

Nanny-preneur Michael Seo: ‘Portion Distortion’ – Why the Soda Ban Makes Sense

The horror: “People given large bowls served themselves 31 percent more.” Continue reading Nanny-preneur Michael Seo: ‘Portion Distortion’ – Why the Soda Ban Makes Sense

Texas lawmaker Joe Farias proposes to tax soft drinks by the ounce

“A San Antonio lawmaker wants to add a penny per ounce tax on sugary drinks like soda. He says the money would then help fund public education and promote a healthier lifestyle.” Continue reading Texas lawmaker Joe Farias proposes to tax soft drinks by the ounce

New Japan-China Air Tensions: Smog

The Chinese are actually blaming the Japan for high PM2.5 levels.

“Now comes a new spat, with Japanese officials and media suggesting China’s latest air-pollution crisis may be spreading across the East China Sea into Japan… The Japanese reports drew some harsh response from China. One critic was quoted as saying: ‘After the earthquake, Japan switched from nuclear power to coal fired power, and has been incinerating their waste. This has greatly affected China’s environment, so one cannot criticize only China. The pollution needs to be reduced, but we cannot ignore climate change and neighboring countries’.”

Read more at the Wall Street Journal (subscription may be required).

Shock: The Guardian exposes exaggerated climate change claims in David Attenborough’s Africa

“Personally, I find it bizarre – and frustrating – that an otherwise exemplary series, which took years to film, has been tainted – in my mind, at least – by such a sloppy piece of research.” Continue reading Shock: The Guardian exposes exaggerated climate change claims in David Attenborough’s Africa

Ceres: ‘Climate-change financial implications… equivalent of the subprime-mortgage meltdown’

Junk science aside, what would the economic hit would be from stopping fossil fuel use? Continue reading Ceres: ‘Climate-change financial implications… equivalent of the subprime-mortgage meltdown’

Economist: Arctic Ocean to become ‘ice-free version of the desert it already is’

“Imagine the [Arctic] ocean as a Tequila sunrise sitting on a warm bar. The ice cubes at the top are melting away and the orange juice is sinking to the bottom.” Continue reading Economist: Arctic Ocean to become ‘ice-free version of the desert it already is’