Congress: EPA is flouting gov’t transparency laws to hide emails

“Congressional Republicans are accusing the Environmental Protection Agency of improperly using an exemption clause under the Freedom of Information Act to redact the alias email of departing Administrator Lisa Jackson.” Continue reading Congress: EPA is flouting gov’t transparency laws to hide emails

BREAKING: EPA’s draft Climate Change Adaptation Plan

It appears not be a “plan” so much as it does an excuse for meddling in virtually every aspect of life (e.g., climate change affects indoor air) using climate as the excuse. Continue reading BREAKING: EPA’s draft Climate Change Adaptation Plan

WashExam: Senators — ‘EPA talking out of both sides of their mouth’ about illegal human experiments

“Sen. David Vitter, R-La., ranking Republican on the Environment and Public Works Committee, and fellow committee member Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., accused the Environmental Protection Agency of ‘talking out of both sides of their mouth’ regarding new agency rules that would tighten standards for fine particulate matter – after EPA deliberately exposed 41 people to high concentrations of the pollutant.” Continue reading WashExam: Senators — ‘EPA talking out of both sides of their mouth’ about illegal human experiments