Valentine Message from Darryl Hannah: ‘Love life and stop lethal energy extraction’

The former actress (arrested at yesterday’s White House protest) appreciates not either the Keystone XL pipeline or fracking. Continue reading Valentine Message from Darryl Hannah: ‘Love life and stop lethal energy extraction’

IBD: Obama Unveils His Economy-Killing Cap-And-Tax Plan

“A nonexistent crisis is a terrible thing to waste, and in justifying his proposal for a cap-and-tax scheme, President Obama claimed in his State Of The Union that “the 12 hottest years on record have all come in the last 15.” He was lying.” Continue reading IBD: Obama Unveils His Economy-Killing Cap-And-Tax Plan

Driessen: No good reason to say ‘no’ to Keystone

“Approval should be a no-brainer. Unfortunately, radical environmental groups are determined to sabotage the pipeline. Their assertions underscore how desperate, ideologically driven, intellectually bankrupt and indifferent to the jobs and welfare of average Americans they have become.” Continue reading Driessen: No good reason to say ‘no’ to Keystone

WashTimes: Green power to the people

“Energy is the key to America’s economic future. In his State of the Union address Tuesday night, President Obama promised to fundamentally transform the nation into one increasingly dependent on sunshine and breezes to power the economy. As a result, his lofty vision of U.S. prosperity will likely be clouded by the reality of another four years of stagnation.” Continue reading WashTimes: Green power to the people

The Atlantic: Michael Bloomberg Is Coming for Your Coffee Cup

New York City mayor, Michael “Regulate the Pain Away” Bloomberg, is expected to propose a sweeping ban on plastic foam food packaging that immortal scourge of the 20th-century. Continue reading The Atlantic: Michael Bloomberg Is Coming for Your Coffee Cup

AFSCME: Unions in a ‘New Dark Age’ At EPA: Lisa Jackson ‘anti-union’

The latest Jackson outrage against unions has to do with her failing to protect them from the budget sequester. Continue reading AFSCME: Unions in a ‘New Dark Age’ At EPA: Lisa Jackson ‘anti-union’

Chernobyl roof collapses under snow

“A section of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine has collapsed under the weight of snow, officials say, raising new concerns about the condition of the facility that was the site of the world’s worst nuclear accident.” Continue reading Chernobyl roof collapses under snow

Bloom already off State-of-the-Union rose: Enviro says Obama promise to act unilaterally on climate ‘looking empty’

It hasn’t even been 24 hours. Continue reading Bloom already off State-of-the-Union rose: Enviro says Obama promise to act unilaterally on climate ‘looking empty’

Cochrane: Routine Vitamin C effective in preventing common cold — in athletes

Routine supplementation of vitamin C in the general population is not justified for the prevention of colds. But athletes may benefit. Continue reading Cochrane: Routine Vitamin C effective in preventing common cold — in athletes

Study: Facial width predicts racial prejudice

The wider your face, the more likely you are to be a racist? The Nazis did this type of crap to assess racial purity. Now a Dartmouth post-doc is doing it to assess racist tendencies? Really? Continue reading Study: Facial width predicts racial prejudice

Rep. Broun boasts he’s the first to call Obama a ‘socialist’

Rep. Paul Broun (R-Ga.) boasted in a fundraising letter that he was the first member of Congress to call President Obama a “socialist who embraces Marxist-Leninist policies,” according to text acquired by the Atlanta Journal Constitution. Continue reading Rep. Broun boasts he’s the first to call Obama a ‘socialist’