UK: Pollution that killed seabirds cannot be traced, rules investigation

“Source of sticky substance that caused death of hundreds of birds off UK coast will stay a mystery.” Continue reading UK: Pollution that killed seabirds cannot be traced, rules investigation

Carbon Trust: We cannot afford not to have nuclear in our low-carbon energy mix

“Nuclear power must prove itself in cost terms – but we should not be thinking of giving up now.” Continue reading Carbon Trust: We cannot afford not to have nuclear in our low-carbon energy mix

A Strategy to Prevent the Next Fukushima

“Among the most striking elements of the catastrophe at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors in Japan were the hydrogen explosions that destroyed the upper parts of some of the reactor buildings. The hydrogen was released by a metal called zirconium in the overheated core.” Continue reading A Strategy to Prevent the Next Fukushima

WashTimes: Obama’s real gun-control aim

“The document puts the administration’s plans into context. Mr. Obama and his allies want to know who owns every single gun in this country, and if they think a gun is scary looking, they will take it away.” Continue reading WashTimes: Obama’s real gun-control aim

Feulner: The energy potential of fracking

“In Pennsylvania, this type of gas extraction has been under way since the 1960s, with nearly 100,000 oil and gas wells fracked and no instances of contamination of groundwater. The same clean record is true for Ohio, where more than 70,000 oil and gas wells have been fracked since the 1960s.” Continue reading Feulner: The energy potential of fracking

Getting Gored: Michael Mann’s Apocalyptic Prophecies and Al Jazeera’s Green Jihad

Mark Musser spotlights some real “deniers” and their ties to radical environmentalism. Continue reading Getting Gored: Michael Mann’s Apocalyptic Prophecies and Al Jazeera’s Green Jihad

Claim: Caffeine linked to low birth weight babies

The Food Police have been pushing this junk for almost 40 years, but no joy. This study doesn’t cut it either. A complex health outcome — e.g., birth weight — cannot be studied with unreliable, self-reported and/or partial data. Continue reading Claim: Caffeine linked to low birth weight babies