Warmist DC Weatherman Bob Ryan: Warmer but More Snow? — Does this make sense?

Ryan says, yes, in some places. But talk and anecdotes are cheap. Let’s see you forecast something, Bob. Continue reading Warmist DC Weatherman Bob Ryan: Warmer but More Snow? — Does this make sense?

Canada: Could muzzling federal scientists be illegal?

“The Information Commissioner of Canada is being asked to investigate whether “federal government policy forcing scientists to jump through hoops before speaking with the media” breaches the Access to Information Act.” Continue reading Canada: Could muzzling federal scientists be illegal?

Justice Department deal reduces BP’s Deepwater Horizon fine by $3.4bn

“Court reduces company’s maximum fine a week before trial over blowout that dumped millions of gallons of oil into Gulf of Mexico.” Continue reading Justice Department deal reduces BP’s Deepwater Horizon fine by $3.4bn

French utility sues enviro protesters

“The energy company EDF is seeking more than £5m in damages from a group of more than 20 activists who occupied one of its power stations for a week last year, in an action campaigners claim could stifle the right to protest across the country.” Continue reading French utility sues enviro protesters