McKibben: ‘God has set [the Keystone XL pipeline] up as the most perfect pure test there could be’

McKibben also apparently doesn’t believe in Peak Oil.

From BusinesssWeek:

“God has set [the Keystone XL pipeline] up as the most perfect pure test there could be,” he continues. “We have an infinite amount of hydrocarbons. Does man have the self-restraint to save himself? Or it’s like, is the big brain a good adaptation? It got us into this predicament. Will it get us out?”

5 thoughts on “McKibben: ‘God has set [the Keystone XL pipeline] up as the most perfect pure test there could be’”

  1. Amazing (and galling) how lefties trot out God when all else fails to advance their agenda, but, in all other aspects of their public pontificating, they proscribe the mention, much less invocation, of God.

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