Interior Secretary Nominee ‘Not Proud’ of ‘Commuting Footprint’ of REI Employees

Sally Jewel is another goofy enviro.

From CNS News:

“Is there anything you’re not proud of or you’re looking forward to changing soon?” a reporter with the environmental Web site asked Jewell, who was the CEO of REI at the time.

“I’m not proud of our employee commuting footprint,” Jewell said. “We’re sitting out here in an office park [in Kent, Wash.], in an area that used to be farmland, probably in a floodplain.

“And many people are driving single-occupancy vehicles to get in here,” Jewell said.

2 thoughts on “Interior Secretary Nominee ‘Not Proud’ of ‘Commuting Footprint’ of REI Employees”

  1. Anyone with an attitude like this fits right into Obama’s mindset, which is why I voted for Gov. Romney.

  2. If her office building is in an area that used to be farmland she’s probably outside of a city, which means public transportation doesn’t run there, and most likely never will.

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