Possibly some EPA budget cuts, too?
“The Committee will continue to monitor international negotiations on efforts to control greenhouse gas emissions in connection with concerns about global climate change. In addition, the Committee will examine the EPA’s efforts to regulate domestic greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act based on its endangerment finding. The Committee will consider whether such agreements and regulatory efforts are scientifically well grounded. The Committee will also review the activities undertaken in this area by the Department of Energy (DOE), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and other agencies within the Committee’s jurisdiction, including efforts to prepare for and respond to weather events and natural disasters in the future.”
I actually read parts of the Endangerment Finding and it exclusively quotes the IPCC report as its scientific basis. So much for objective science.
The Committee will then grandstand for news sound bites, issue a meaningless call for more reports, studies, etc., then do nothing.
we can only hope for budget cuts at this rogue agency.
I have little faith they will get this right.