FDA proposes to extend food labeling (libeling?) rules to supermarkets

Current nutritional labeling is a fraud.

“The rule stems from an ObamaCare mandate that restaurants provide nutrition information on menus. Most in the restaurant industry were supportive of the idea, but when the FDA decided to extend the provision to also affect thousands of supermarkets and convenience stores, the backlash was swift.”<

Read more at FOXNews.com.

As we reported in 2002:

… With respect to daily caloric intake, for example, the Food and Drug Administration selected 2,000 calories as the DRV. But the FDA notes: “This level was chosen, in part, because it approximates the caloric requirements for postmenopausal women. This group has the highest risk for excessive intake of calories and fat.”

Since postmenopausal women only make up about 10 percent of the population, the DRV for calories that includes the DRV for fat is a meaningless number for most of us. The same applies to the DRV for salt, such that CSPI’s fat and salt characterizations aren’t worth a hill of half-eaten pizza crusts.

5 thoughts on “FDA proposes to extend food labeling (libeling?) rules to supermarkets”

  1. I’m still stuck on the 2000 calories per day for post-menopausal women. Where do they find these women? Most of the women I know eat far, far less than that and still can gain weight. Even some of the men I know gain weight on 2000 calories. Maybe we should just go with: If you’re gaining weight, add up your calories and then eat less. Forget a “magic” number.

    As for labeling, aren’t there apps for that?

  2. People do not ‘eat’ most of the nutrients listed on a food label. People can only absorb the water-soluble fraction (minerals, sugar, water, and some vitamins and trace organics). Everything else (such as fat, cholesterol, protein, complex carbonhydrates, fiber, fat-soluble vitamins) is first pre-digested, absorbed and metabolized (or rejected) by the microbes that live in our guts. There are over 1000 species of such. The food nannies totally ignore the influence of these organisms on our nutrition. Gram-negative bacteria in particular (anywhere from 0-30+% of our internal flora) leave behind chemicals called ‘lipopolysaccharide endotoxins’ which are potent inflammatory agents. These chemicals are part of the bacterial wall and can only be released from the dead bacteria, whence . Inflammation is a major component of many human diseases such as arthritis, hypertension, CFS, and many organ-specific disorders.

  3. I will never get to the point where I see a pizza as

    total fat
    saturated fat

    It’s just a pizza, people!

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