Claim: Australian wind farms undercut fossil fuel power prices

Carbon taxes, subsidies and anti-fossil fuel activism work?

“New research from Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) has this week provided further evidence that renewable energy can increasingly compete on cost with fossil fuels, revealing that unsubsidised wind farms can undercut electricity sold by new coal or gas-fired power plants. The analysis suggests electricity can be provided from wind farms at a cost of A$80/MWh, while the cost of power from new coal or gas plants, which is now subject to a carbon tax, stands at A$143/MWh and A$116/MWh respectively.”

Read more at Business Green.

One thought on “Claim: Australian wind farms undercut fossil fuel power prices”

  1. Absent some non-existent technological breakthroughs, I’m going to say they’re being selective in their analysis. But nice of them to admit that it takes a huge government intrusion to make it all more expensive overall and to make the least reliable and effrective method a false success.

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