AFSCME: Unions in a ‘New Dark Age’ At EPA: Lisa Jackson ‘anti-union’

The latest Jackson outrage against unions has to do with her failing to protect them from the budget sequester.

Greenwire reports:

A day before her final day at U.S. EPA, a federal employees union sharply criticized the tenure of departing Administrator Lisa Jackson.

In a biting message sent Monday to Jackson and Deputy Administrator Bob Perciasepe that details the numerous problems unions had with her tenure, Steve Shapiro of the American Federation of Government Employees deemed Jackson’s tenure an “anti-union and anti-employee regime,” comparable to the labor fights in Wisconsin, Indiana and Michigan.

“Not since the time of Anne Gorsuch Burford have EPA’s unions seen such hostility,” Shapiro said, referring to EPA’s administrator under President Reagan. “Some EPA regions and laboratories have done better, but at headquarters, we are in a new Dark Age”…

Shapiro also used his message to urge Perciasepe, who will serve as acting administrator until a replacement is chosen, to do better than Jackson with employee relations. Union officials will likely meet with EPA top brass later today (E&ENews PM, Feb. 12).

“We can hope for better times and that you will clean house and rid [the Office of Administration and Resources Management] of its anti-union regime,” he said. “Let’s get started on making EPA headquarters the ‘best place to work’ in the federal government.”

One thought on “AFSCME: Unions in a ‘New Dark Age’ At EPA: Lisa Jackson ‘anti-union’”

  1. Back in the day when I was an employment recruiter, candidates would sometimes ask me if the company was union. I’d say I dunno, why? (Something I usually neglected to check.) They’d say, I want job security. I’d say, what do you mean. They’d say, I don’t want to be stuck in the middle of a strike when I’m trying to pay my family’s bills. There’s lots of people who don’t like unions, and that includes workers.

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