Republican leaders’ sequester ‘meeting’ with Obama: Seven minutes

“Never let it be said that President Obama has failed to spend time with Republican leaders in seeking an alternative to automatic budget cuts that are due to hit most federal departments Friday.” Continue reading Republican leaders’ sequester ‘meeting’ with Obama: Seven minutes

The GMO Stalemate in Europe

“Europe’s lack of trust in GMOs reflects a wider distrust of science. Similar attitudes prevail concerning shale gas and nuclear power. The irony is that the generations who have benefited most from scientific progress are now the most suspicious of science.” Continue reading The GMO Stalemate in Europe

WHO: Lifetime cancer risk 70% higher for females in Fukushima area

“The report concluded that for the general population inside Japan, the predicted health risks were low, but that one-third of emergency workers were estimated to have increased risk.” Continue reading WHO: Lifetime cancer risk 70% higher for females in Fukushima area

Government-Rentseeker Complex: Exelon offers to help EPA with major anti-coal regulation

Courtesy of Chris Horner, an e-mail from nuclear utility Exelon offering to help EPA with its anti-coal utility MACT regulation. Continue reading Government-Rentseeker Complex: Exelon offers to help EPA with major anti-coal regulation

Michelle Obama: The government-business complex is here to make your kids healthier

Michelle Obama says in a Wall Street Journal op-ed that Wal-Mart has made children healthier by reducing the sugar-content of its products by 10%. What children were unhealthy because of sugar at Wal-Mart? Continue reading Michelle Obama: The government-business complex is here to make your kids healthier

NYTimes Food Nanny: ‘Sugar is indeed toxic’

Though Mark Bittman clearly disagrees, Robert Lustig’s new study supposedly “proving” that sugar intake increases diabetes risk, is as credible as Ancel Keys’ debunked 1953 ecological study of the diet-heart hypothesis. Continue reading NYTimes Food Nanny: ‘Sugar is indeed toxic’