White House Credits ‘Let’s Move’ for Halting and Reversing Childhood Obesity Trend

Reminds me of the “progress” reports on Stalin’s five-year plans. Continue reading White House Credits ‘Let’s Move’ for Halting and Reversing Childhood Obesity Trend

James Taylor: As The Consensus Among Scientists Crumbles, Global Warming Alarmists Attack the Integrity of Skeptics

Heartland’s James Taylor responds to the virulent attacks on the recent blockbuster survey of geoscientists and engineers on global warming. Continue reading James Taylor: As The Consensus Among Scientists Crumbles, Global Warming Alarmists Attack the Integrity of Skeptics

Warmist DC Weatherman Bob Ryan: Warmer but More Snow? — Does this make sense?

Ryan says, yes, in some places. But talk and anecdotes are cheap. Let’s see you forecast something, Bob. Continue reading Warmist DC Weatherman Bob Ryan: Warmer but More Snow? — Does this make sense?

Canada: Could muzzling federal scientists be illegal?

“The Information Commissioner of Canada is being asked to investigate whether “federal government policy forcing scientists to jump through hoops before speaking with the media” breaches the Access to Information Act.” Continue reading Canada: Could muzzling federal scientists be illegal?