Ceres: ‘Climate-change financial implications… equivalent of the subprime-mortgage meltdown’

Junk science aside, what would the economic hit would be from stopping fossil fuel use? Continue reading Ceres: ‘Climate-change financial implications… equivalent of the subprime-mortgage meltdown’

Economist: Arctic Ocean to become ‘ice-free version of the desert it already is’

“Imagine the [Arctic] ocean as a Tequila sunrise sitting on a warm bar. The ice cubes at the top are melting away and the orange juice is sinking to the bottom.” Continue reading Economist: Arctic Ocean to become ‘ice-free version of the desert it already is’

Sally Jewell: Obama’s radical green, job-killing nominee for Interior Dept.

She’s helped lock up public lands, halted oil and gas leases, killed jobs, funded radical green groups and donated to Obama. Continue reading Sally Jewell: Obama’s radical green, job-killing nominee for Interior Dept.

National Journal: Obama Needs to Be Brutally Honest About Climate Change in His State of the Union

“If he’s honest, it won’t be pretty.” Continue reading National Journal: Obama Needs to Be Brutally Honest About Climate Change in His State of the Union