UK energy efficieny program slammed for rip-off interest rates

“The reality for most people will be that the Green Deal [i.e., a UK energy efficiency program] ends up costing them more than they save.” Continue reading UK energy efficieny program slammed for rip-off interest rates

Eve Ensler: ‘Violence against the planet explains violence against women’

Fracking & drilling = rape? Mountain-top removal = Female genital mutilation? Eve Ensler = Fool? Continue reading Eve Ensler: ‘Violence against the planet explains violence against women’

Arizona legislators want teachers to be able to choose sides on global warming

Saying students are getting only one side of the debate, a state senators wants to free teachers to tell students why they believe there is no such thing human-caused “global warming.” Continue reading Arizona legislators want teachers to be able to choose sides on global warming

European carbon price ‘inching ever closer to zero’

“”Dramatic”, “enduring”, “meltdown” – the words used by leading analyst firm Thomson Reuters Point Carbon to describe the continued slump in global carbon prices could not be starker.” Continue reading European carbon price ‘inching ever closer to zero’