UK: Big brother to log your drinking habits and waist size as GPs are forced to hand over confidential records

On Landing Strip One, GPs are to be forced to hand over confidential records on all their patients’ drinking habits, waist sizes and illnesses. Continue reading UK: Big brother to log your drinking habits and waist size as GPs are forced to hand over confidential records

BREAKING: an encouraging admission of lower climate sensitivity by a ‘hockey team’ scientist, along with new problems for the IPCC

James Annan now suggests the IPCC “is in a bit of a pickle”. Continue reading BREAKING: an encouraging admission of lower climate sensitivity by a ‘hockey team’ scientist, along with new problems for the IPCC

EU to Uphold Cosmetics Animal Testing Ban Deadline

“The European Commission has confirmed that it will uphold the original March 2013 deadline for the ban on the sale, within the European Union (EU), of any cosmetics or cosmetics ingredients that have been tested on animals.” Continue reading EU to Uphold Cosmetics Animal Testing Ban Deadline

Feds: Wolverines need to be protected from global warming

“Wildlife advocates, who sued to force the government to act on the issue, said they hope the animal’s plight will be used by the Obama administration to leverage tighter restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions.” Continue reading Feds: Wolverines need to be protected from global warming