Whole Foods CEO: ‘Climate change is perfectly natural and not necessarily bad’

Alarmists are trying to start a boycott of Whole Foods. Maybe they can shop at their local ExxonMobil mini-mart?

“Contrary to what has been written about me I am not a ‘climate-change skeptic.’ Climate change is clearly occurring, and based on what I have read global temperatures have increased about 1.5 degrees Celsius over the past 150 years. We’ve been in a gradual warming trend since the ending of the “Little Ice Age” in about 1870, and climate change is perfectly natural and not necessarily bad.” [Mother Jones]

One thought on “Whole Foods CEO: ‘Climate change is perfectly natural and not necessarily bad’”

  1. This is a tough one. Warmists are to boycott because of the global warming, but conservatives may find the remainder of John Mackey’s philosophy worthy of boycott. Maybe both groups boycott?

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