WashPost columnist dumps on Gore

Gore comes by his hypocrisy honestly — he got if from his daddy.

“He said in a statement that the common goal of Current TV and al-Jazeera is ‘to give voice to those who are not typically heard; to speak truth to power; to provide independent and diverse points of view; and to tell the stories that no one else is telling.’ Translation? When put out to pasture, oh do graze in the tall grass — and don’t get too fussy about who signs the checks.” [Washington Post]

3 thoughts on “WashPost columnist dumps on Gore”

  1. One “follower” of Gore said everyone wants to get rich??? Hello–these are the tax the crap out rich people and they adore Al? How do their heads not explode????

  2. I love Gore’s line about his motive: “.. to save the future of civilization.”
    He shares the same delusions of grandeur of every Messianic megalomaniac throughout history.

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