Stone Age hunters used the environment to improve standard of living

But we’re not allowed.

“Researchers from the University of Reading found 7500 year-old worked flint ‘tools’, bones, charcoal and hazelnut shells while working at Goldcliff, near Newport, in September. These finds indicate that Mesolithic people were manipulating the environment to increase their resources, thousands of years before farming began. Charcoal remains suggest these people used fire to encourage the growth of plants, such as hazelnuts, crab apples and raspberries. The researchers believe all these were eaten.” []

3 thoughts on “Stone Age hunters used the environment to improve standard of living”

  1. Fire-stick farming, in which the land was burned off in the spring, has been used all over the world by pre-historic humans to select the plants most useful to them and/or their prey animals. Here in the Midwest oaks are dying out, not because of climate change, but because the land is no longer burnt annually and the thick-barked oaks are outgrown by thin-bark trees, such as maples.

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