Rolling Stone: Obama failed to use the power of his office to end the fake climate debate

“After promising in 2008 that his presidency would be ‘the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal,’ President Obama went silent on the most crucial issue of our time.”

“He failed to talk openly with Americans about the risks of continuing to pump greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, failed to put political muscle behind legislation to cap carbon pollution, failed to meaningfully engage in international climate negotiations, failed to use the power of his office to end the fake “debate” about the reality of global warming and failed to prepare Americans – and the world – for life on a rapidly­ warming planet. It was as if the biggest challenge humanity has ever faced became a political inconvenience for the president once he was elected.” [Rolling Stone]

One thought on “Rolling Stone: Obama failed to use the power of his office to end the fake climate debate”

  1. Same old, same old. It never really was about CO2 or ‘global warming’. You talk about these things when you’re running for office, but once you’re elected, you have to do the real-world stuff.

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