RFK Jr: Exxon CEO 'one of the most evil people on the planet'

But find out what RFK Jr.’s now-deceased wife said about him.

RFK Jr. asks Bill McKibben in an interview:

Let’s talk about Rex Tillerson who you characterized as one of the most evil people on the planet and I would have to agree with that assessment.

Meanwhile, back on planet Earth and as reported by the New York Daily News about an affidavit made by RFK Jr.:

He said [his wife] screamed to their crying youngest son, Aidan, “He is a demon. He is the most evil kind of man in the world. Everything he does is evil and a fraud. He is a philanderer, an adulterer, a sex addict.”

RFK Jr. isn’t even original.

2 thoughts on “RFK Jr: Exxon CEO 'one of the most evil people on the planet'”

  1. I can’t think of a “denier” out there, anybody who signs denier letters anyway, who had questions raised about their “character” (other than the habitual “tobacco company” etc suspected “affiliation”)

    I can’t think of a prominent “liberal” with “character” worth toilet paper. It doesn’t seem to bother these people in the least.

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