Rand Paul rips New Jersey Fats for NRA comments

Sandy, too.

“I think criticizing the Second Amendment movement and the over-the-top ‘give me my money’ stuff, ‘I want all 60 billion now or I’ll throw a tantrum,’ I don’t think that’s going to play well in the
Republican primary,” Paul, the libertarian-leaning GOP senator, said of the Republican governor. [Politico]

7 thoughts on “Rand Paul rips New Jersey Fats for NRA comments”

  1. At least Christy has made some policy moves which should allow Jersey to grow relative to Illinois. But the French kissing Obama on the beach, the tantrum over getting non-emergency money a weak late, and now this gun thing, has totally doomed his presidential chances.

    And remember about a year ago when folks were begging him to run against Romney. I think Christy is smart enough to know his real politics won’t play well on a national stage.

  2. They were talking about Christy as an “up and coming” Republican — a likely presidential candidate.

    He sure won’t get my vote.

  3. Christy is a corrupt New Jersey politician. New Jersey and Illinois are plagued with incompetent, corrupt politicians. I suspect Christy and Blago (ex gov of Illinois) could share a jail cell some day. Illinois routinely jails its governors. Dem or GOP, doesn’t matter. Chicago rules Illinois. That means everyone must follow the Chicago Way, the Obama Way. Corruption defines how things get done and the state fouled up.

  4. Gov Christy is a Republican? When did that happen? Sure, he carried a sign that said he was, but the minute he wanted federal money, he hid the sign and started kissing the Candy Man’s back side. Oh, wait, I guess he is pretty much Republican…..

  5. New Jersey Fats is, I think, the most “non-left” person you’ll ever get in the “peepls-republik-of jersey”. Sigh!

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