“The tentative agreement would further restrict New York’s ban on assault weapons, limit the size of magazines to seven bullets, down from the current 10, and enact more stringent background checks for sales. Other elements, pushed by Republicans, would refine a mental health law to make it easier to confine people determined to be a threat to themselves or others.” Continue reading NY Poised to Pass First Gun Bill Since Sandy Hook Shooting
Month: January 2013
Obama: Some Gun Control Measures ‘I Can Accomplish Through Executive Action’
“I’m confident that there are some steps that we can take that don’t require legislation and that are within my authority as president.” Continue reading Obama: Some Gun Control Measures ‘I Can Accomplish Through Executive Action’
‘Amphibious house’ designed to resist flooding – video
Engineers who see flooding as a ‘friend’. Continue reading ‘Amphibious house’ designed to resist flooding – video
Harvard Researcher: Why the environmental movement couldn’t get cap-and-trade passed
Those gosh-darned deniers, again. Continue reading Harvard Researcher: Why the environmental movement couldn’t get cap-and-trade passed
Oklahoma faces federal takeover of water
EPA’s war on chlorinated drinking water continues. Continue reading Oklahoma faces federal takeover of water
Sierra Club Launches New Campaign: Obama Climate Legacy
A wrecked economy. Continue reading Sierra Club Launches New Campaign: Obama Climate Legacy
Seattle warns of floods by 2050, proposes ‘Climate Action Plan’
“The city expects to adopt the Climate Action Plan by April 22, Earth Day.” Continue reading Seattle warns of floods by 2050, proposes ‘Climate Action Plan’
Tough limits on global greenhouse gas emissions could reduce some climate change damage by two-thirds…
… and reduce our standard of living and quality of life by 99%? Continue reading Tough limits on global greenhouse gas emissions could reduce some climate change damage by two-thirds…
Stoked: Climate Change to create epic surfing conditions?
“A report by Nature magazine points towards this being the case, at least down under, where waves are set to be higher.” Continue reading Stoked: Climate Change to create epic surfing conditions?
Hansen on Renewables: Like ‘believing in the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy’
“But when Hansen suggests what to do about [global warming], many [climate alarmists] tune him out. Some even roll their eyes.” Continue reading Hansen on Renewables: Like ‘believing in the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy’
How reliable are Chinese air pollution data?
Clean energy investment fell 11% in 2012
A cooling climate for junk energy. Continue reading Clean energy investment fell 11% in 2012