Maybe Chu can now confess to Oprah about Solyndra? Continue reading Energy Secretary Chu Said to Plan Departure From Cabinet
Month: January 2013
Gun control passion fuels 2016 hopefuls
Dems see exploitation of murdered children as a path to success in 2016. Continue reading Gun control passion fuels 2016 hopefuls
Enviro: 5 Ways President Obama Could Fight Climate Change Now
An enviro apparently thinks that Obama can reduce atmospheric CO2 levels to 350 ppm all by himself. Continue reading Enviro: 5 Ways President Obama Could Fight Climate Change Now
UK eco-activist allowed to leave protest tunnel as temperatures plummet
Anti-roaders at work. Continue reading UK eco-activist allowed to leave protest tunnel as temperatures plummet
Syngenta responds to EU attack on widely used pesticide
Imaginary threats to bees pose actual threats to EU farmers. Continue reading Syngenta responds to EU attack on widely used pesticide
Hansen Proves That Man-Made CO2 Has Nothing To Do With Climate
Check out the RealScience presentation of Hansen’s own graphs. Continue reading Hansen Proves That Man-Made CO2 Has Nothing To Do With Climate
China’s Smog So Bad, a Huge Fire Burns Unnoticed For 3 Hours
Van Jones: Obama a ‘Moderate Dem as POTUS’
Is that because, unlike Van Jones, Obama won’t admit he’s a communist? Continue reading Van Jones: Obama a ‘Moderate Dem as POTUS’
New Scientist: US is wealthy but not healthy
The slight statistical edge in life expectancy some other developed nations supposedly have over the U.S. is pretty meaningless and certainly not a sign that the U.S. is not “healthy.” Continue reading New Scientist: US is wealthy but not healthy
IOC strips Armstrong of Olympic medal
As the Wall Street Journal pointed out yesterday, Lance Armstrong’s road to redemption begins with jail time. Continue reading IOC strips Armstrong of Olympic medal
Earliest Blooms Recorded in U.S. Due to Global Warming
So the enviros oppose more flowers? Continue reading Earliest Blooms Recorded in U.S. Due to Global Warming
Napolitano: Shooting up the Constitution
The Feds have no legitimate role in regulating firearms. Continue reading Napolitano: Shooting up the Constitution