“Just over one in eight kids went undervaccinated due to parents’ choices.” Continue reading Close to half of kids late receiving vaccines: study
Month: January 2013
Study: Aspirin increases risk of age-related macular degeneration
A very small study — with very little credibility. Continue reading Study: Aspirin increases risk of age-related macular degeneration
Video: Obama hits skeptics in inaugural address
George Bush, John McCain and Mitt Romney — what clowns. Continue reading Video: Obama hits skeptics in inaugural address
Study: Watch out for ‘ugly’ cholesterol
There’s “good”, “bad” and, now, “ugly” cholesterol — so the failed crusade to link diet with heart disease begins anew. Continue reading Study: Watch out for ‘ugly’ cholesterol
Preliminary glacier mass balance data 2010/2011
Sure doesn’t look like it has anything to do with mean global temperature. Continue reading Preliminary glacier mass balance data 2010/2011
World Economic Forum: Curbing climate change will cost $700 billion a year
Maybe Obama could milk the rich a little more? Continue reading World Economic Forum: Curbing climate change will cost $700 billion a year
Obama gut-busting lunch menu tops 3,000 calories
And for the main course… FLOTUS of Hypocrisy with Sanctimonius Sauce. Continue reading Obama gut-busting lunch menu tops 3,000 calories
NYTimes: The Guns Hiding in Your Portfolio
“IF you comb through your 401(k) carefully enough, there is a good chance you’ll find something startling: a stock that returned more than 80 percent over the last year.” Continue reading NYTimes: The Guns Hiding in Your Portfolio
Mann vs. National Review and CEI pleadings
“Here are Michael Mann’s (well his lawyers) responses to pleadings for dismissal by CEI and National Review.” Continue reading Mann vs. National Review and CEI pleadings
2012 ranks as 54th in ‘extreme weather’ events
“Paul Homewood ranks the data from NOAA/NCDC in a pragmatic way, and comes up with this graph.” Continue reading 2012 ranks as 54th in ‘extreme weather’ events
Deniers ‘created equal’?
Obama talks tolerance and “all men are created equal” — but slams deniers?
Deniers mentioned in inaugural address!
We’ve come along way baby! Continue reading Deniers mentioned in inaugural address!