8 thoughts on “Obama 'seriously considering' hosting climate summit”

  1. DP said:
    “Didn’t he just host a climate summit in Hawaii? Oh wait, that was a vacation. It’s so hard to tell the difference”.

    He flew back early in a large fossil-fuelled aircraft. so it must have been a vacation. You must pay more attention.

  2. Considering the results of Obama’s focus on the economy, I can only hope he’ll focus on the climate and his gun-control agendas. And with similar success…

  3. Didn’t he just host a climate summit in Hawaii? Oh wait, that was a vacation. It’s so hard to tell the difference.

  4. Another assemblage of radicals to allegedly study a decision that Obama has already made. Reject the XL pipeline? Restrict coal and LNG exports? Announce 20% ethanol requirement in gasoline? Think back to the WH staging an ObamaCare summit by handing out medical smocks to the attendees, most of whom were not physicians. But the smocks made great background for 90 second evening news stories.

  5. “at the White House” implies a small gathering rather than the massive junkets that draw thousands. Gotta wonder what Obama thinks he can get out of the deal.

  6. It’s a head fake. There is something the teleprompter wants him to do, which he can’t do directly. So it will have him meet with “experts,” who will give him the “scientific” authority to act.

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