NYTimes: Confessions of a Liberal Gun Owner

Bleeding heart Justin Cronin once bought a gun in a parking lot — so now you shouldn’t own an AR-15.

“Let me be clear: my personal armory notwithstanding, I think guns are woefully under-regulated. It’s far too easy to buy a gun — I once bought one in a parking lot — and I loathe the National Rifle Association. Some of the Obama administration’s proposals strike me as more symbolic than effective, with some 300 million firearms on the loose. But the White House’s recommendations seem like a good starting point and nothing that would prevent me from protecting my family in a crisis. The AR-15 is a fascinating weapon, and, frankly, a gas to shoot. So is a tank, and I don’t need to own a tank.” [New York Times]

4 thoughts on “NYTimes: Confessions of a Liberal Gun Owner”

  1. “But the White House’s recommendations seem like a good starting point and nothing that would prevent me from protecting my family in a crisis.”
    1. If it’s a starting point, then the next action will possibly prevent him from protecting his family in a crisis.
    2. How about he chooses what he wants to protect his family and I choose what I want? Happens I don’t own an AR or anything similar, but let it be my choice.
    3. He bought a gun in a parking lot. I can believe that. Individual sales of firearms are common. Very few such guns feature in crimes later. The vast majority of guns that are sold to criminals come from other crimnals.
    4. This writer nicely illustrates the “pit bull” theory.

  2. I want Bloomberg’s Brownshirts busting down this clown’s condo door at 4:00 AM next morning to toss his digs like feral pigs rooting through a garbage tip.

    He’s an admitted felon on whose criminality the statute of limitations clock has now only begun to run.

    These “Liberals” want to criminalize the citizen’s exercise of the unalienable right to keep and bear arms. Okay. Them first.

  3. So if you break the law, the answer is not to enforce the law, but create new laws irrelevant to the crime you committed?

    Is that the liberal thought process?

  4. “But the White House’s recommendations seem like a good starting point”

    As if the existing 20,000 gun control laws were never enacted. Only and ignoramus would call it a “starting” point.

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