North Carolina Medical Board rife with conflicts of interest in EPA human testing controversy

Since the North Carolina Medical Board failed to provide us with any rational whatsoever for its closing its investigation of the EPA human testing docs, we must ask why.

A quick check at the North Carolina Medical Board itself reveals some potential explanations.

Keeping in mind that these experiments have occurred and continue to occur under the auspices of the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill School of Medicine, at least seven members of the 12-member board have identifiable and potential conflicts of interest.

Four are alumni of UNC (2 School of medicine, 2 School of Law); two are faculty members at the UNC School of Medicine; and one is a State political appointee.

Don’t rock the boat baby.

Below are the Board members and their as-yet identified conflicts.

  • William A. Walker, MD, President: Graduated from the UNC School of Medicine.
  • Paul S. Camnitz, MD, President Elect: None identified so far.
  • Cheryl Walker-McGill, MD, Secretary/Treasurer: None identified so far.
  • Helen Diane Meelheim, FNP-BC, Board Member: Graduated from the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill School of Law.
  • Subhash C. Gumber, MD, PhD, Board Member: None identified so far.
  • Janice E. Huff, MD, Board Member: Clinical instructor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
  • Thomas R. Hill, MD, Board Member: None identified so far.
  • Eleanor E. Greene, MD, MPH, Board Member: Graduated from the UNC School of Medicine.
  • Pascal Udekwu, MD, Board Member: Associate Professor in the Department of Surgery at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine.
  • Thelma C. Lennon, Public Member: None identified so far.
  • John B. Lewis, Jr, LLB, Public Member: Graduated from UNC and the UNC School of Law.
  • Michael J. Arnold, MBA, Public Member: Professional political appointee in North Carolina.

6 thoughts on “North Carolina Medical Board rife with conflicts of interest in EPA human testing controversy”

  1. I am new here, my first time actually, Let me introduce myself by saying I agree, the NCMB is corrupt, and given the twelve board members are governor appointees, also the #13 Executive Director.
    From my personal experience Duke Hospital is just as corrupt as UNC. I have been dealing with all three entities for almost four years now.
    (much like talking to my shoe)

  2. As a UNC School of Medicine alum, I can’t imagine letting these so-called researchers off the hook just because we happened to graduate from the same institution. I think it must be something else, like pressure from the Feds. As a private practice physician, if I did anything remotely like this I am quite certain I would be stripped of my license and jailed, probably for many years. But then, I don’t have friends in high places.

    To “Unaffiliated”- you are a complete ass, quite likely a Dookie or NC Stater…

  3. Actually, you can add a few more.

    Paul Carmnitz graduated in 1974 from UNC and did his residency there, too. [Healthgrades report and NC Medical Board 2011 newsletter]

    Cheryl Walker-McGill is assistant professor of clinical medicine at UNC [NC Medical Board 2011 newsletter]
    Link to that newsletter is here:

    So, that makes 9 out of the 12 Board members affiliated in some way with UNC.

  4. This is a STATE medical board is it not? You do realize that governments rarely hold themselves accountable? Government is designed to hold common citizens accountable for their actions. They are not in the business of holding fellow government workers accountable. “Nothing to see here. Move along.”

  5. I sit on the Board of a U.K. Charity. We had a Board meeting this evening. At the start of the meeting, Board members were reminded of their duty to examine the agenda and declare any conflict of interests.

    This is absolutely standard practice for Boards in the U.K. If you do not follow this code of conduct, you are not worthy of your appointment either as an executive or non-executive Director or Trustee of a third sector organisation. Period. There is no argument.

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