6 thoughts on “NBC: Are you too sick to own a gun?”

  1. “The ambulance chasing lawyers or the government will have a field day and go after any therapist who has seen someone who later commits a crime and didn’t report them as possibly mentally unstable.” sandyjfs, it’s already happened. I’ve heard that at least one Aurora victim is suing the psychiatrist who saw James Holmes.
    A few mental health patients manifest so severely that psychiatrists, attorneys and judges can agree that these patients must be confined for safety. But the psychiatric indicators for violent behavior are poor. We’d probably get a lot of false positives and a lot of people with their rights restricted.
    Theoretically there are ways to report people with disqualifying mental health issues to the NICS and ways to remove people once they are on the list. I’m among those suspicious that it will be easier to get on the list than off of it.

  2. The article made a worrisome comment. The ambulance chasing lawyers or the government will have a field day and go after any therapist who has seen someone who later commits a crime and didn’t report them as possibly mentally unstable. In other words, therapists will have to report everyone seeking care to avoid potential liability or prosecution for violating the law. The law also doesn’t appear to have a way to later or ever remove someone from the government list.

  3. Well, to me it’s obvious, if therapists start doing this, people who need therapy (vast majority that aren’t going to kill anyone or do extreme violence), aren’t going to see any therapists. Great! Just what we need. Talk about unintended (?) consequences.

  4. Applying for a weapon permit is proof that you might use the weapon, therefore, your application must be denied. That’s where it’s all going.

  5. Don’t you think that all the servivers from the recent mass shooting have metal health problems. Now when they get older they can even apply for gun permits to protect their selves from such future shootings. HIPPA protection is now for the government, but not for the average Joe on the street

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