9 thoughts on “Michael Mann smears Mark Steyn as a racist”

  1. Michael Mann defended his PhD in 1996. It was not awarded until 1998. Sounds like he actually flunked, then they picked him to be the poster child for the Hockey Stick. Now he gets $10,000 for speeches, pretty sweet deal, but Mark Steyn will trash him worse than Richard Muller did…

  2. If he hadn’t done the lawsuit, it would have been mere vengance, or maybe just crude humor. However, given the lawsuit, it makes Mann a hypocrite, nothing more.

  3. Mark Steyn is 10 times the man that Michael Mann is. He is ten times the man that Barak Obama is. And Mark Steyn is five times the man Michelle Obama is.

  4. So nice to see a supposedly educated person start a sentence with “Mark Steyn is a blithering idiot..”. Reminds me of a joke told by Ron White about his debate team days. Unfortunately, it can’t be repeated here.

  5. I doubt that linking to a website rises to the level of defamation and Mark Steyn is a public figure, as is Michael Mann. I think Mr. Steyn is smart enough to steer clear of a lawsuit over this tweet.
    Dr. Mann’s link to this point is a slimy ad hominem attack but that’s what free press is all about: to make yourself look stupid, if you must, and for others to point out that you have done so.

  6. Steyn Vs Mann is going to be one of the epic mismatches of history, and Mikey won’t like the end result.

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