Kansas City Star: US should lead on climate change — but renewables are useless

So how will we produce electricity?

“But bumping up wind production – or the use of other renewables – won’t do much to quickly and dramatically reduce the harmful manmade emissions that help cause global warming and contribute to climate change. The key – as environmental organizations, politicians and fossil fuel industries well know – is taking direct actions to cut into those emissions.” [KC Star]

3 thoughts on “Kansas City Star: US should lead on climate change — but renewables are useless”

  1. Yes, it does seem like the article contradicts itself.
    Here’s the key point, though: “… quickly and dramatically reduce the harmful manmade emissions that help cause global warming and contribute to climate change…” There aren’t any such emissions and so there’s no way to reduce them.
    We should lead on climate change by pronouncing it to be a normal event and denouncing all of the enviro-bullies’ ideas about how to affect it. We won’t, but we should.

  2. How much cognitive dissonance can human brains take? Shut down industry, including the newspaper writing the story, to save your children from a bleak, hot future. Condemn them instead to cold, dark and hungary. Heads should be exploding right and left from the severity of the contradictions.

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